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Summer Health Kick-Off


Ah summer. Schools out, better weather, more time off, vacations, or just more downtime doing nothing. This is also the time of year where good health habits we adapted earlier in this year can just go out the window. But how about a summer health kickoff instead? Commonly our issues relate to travel, more time eating out, et cetera. Physical activity and exercise of course change this time of year as well.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Here's the Summer Health Kickoff we are doing in our practice this month to help you and your family the most. We're going to focus on the Big Three for all of us. Number one is healthy diet and adequate hydration. Next is exercise. We all have favorites. Some are better suited to warmer weather than others.

Finally mental health awareness. Summer is the perfect time to create a new vision, develop new plans, and not only set the stage for changes but start to work on them!

There is something each and every one of us can and should do right now and that is identify which of these we really could improve upon. For example if your blood pressure's been elevated, do you know which dietary changes can you continue to make that will help you lower your blood pressure?

What about body weight? This is something that most of us face especially as time goes on. Are there certain things you could use help with?

This is how we can help you the most. For your personal summer health kickoff the first thing to do is make a list, second thing to do is bring it with you on your next visit.

Summer Health Kick-Off
Summer Health Kick-Off

Stay aware of holiday and vacation days and weeks we email and post at our front desk. Finally, reach out with any personal questions or concerns. Our Practice is here to help you make most of the Summer!

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