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Summer Activity Choices


Based upon the summer activity choices we've talked about during the last couple weeks, you may have started to sort out what you like the most, what's the most fun for you and given your health situation what provide you the biggest health benefits. This is actually one area where a comprehensive examination and when appropriate testing can be very helpful for you. Here's a list of the ones that we commonly discuss with our patients. As always, be sure to discuss personally with your physician.


  • Provides a full-body workout and is easy on the joints. For most people this is true however not everybody likes swimming. One of the issues depending upon the part of country you live in is the water temperature. For anybody with pain, diabetes etcetera warmer temperatures are definitely preferred. Swimming is a great form of cardiovascular exercise however not especially good for weight loss. Hiking and Walking:

  • These offer a chance to enjoy nature while getting a good workout. Walking, in good shoes is something that almost all of us can do. One of the biggest mistakes we see this time of year are poor shoe choices, not using orthotics appropriately etcetera. Again this is one of the things we see contributing to significant injuries and causes of pain over the summer. Any concerns as a patient of ours we're more than happy to help you get fitted for the most appropriate footwear and orthotics. We provide semi custom orthotics in the office and have an orthotist nearby to help you with custom foot orthoses and supports. Cycling:

  • Improves leg strength, cardiovascular health, and can be a fun way to explore new areas. No doubt, an extremely popular summer activity. The biggest issue we see with cycling is making sure you you are you are fitted with the most appropriate bicycle for your desires, fitness level and comfort. Running or Jogging:

  • Excellent for building stamina and cardiovascular fitness. Being an impact sport however it does come with some risk of joint injury both short and long term. Risk can be mitigated with appropriate footwear, orthotics if necessary and appropriate stretching. Adequate hydration and healthy diet also can help reduce potential joint injury. Other Outdoor Sports:

  • Tennis, basketball, soccer, and beach volleyball are fun and social ways to stay active. Indeed, is the social aspects of this that is very attractive for many people. These are very great for kids and families it shouldn't be overlooked at all given that they are seasonal activities.


Summer provides a great opportunity to improve physical fitness, mental health, and social connections through exercise. If you have questions or personal concerns this is the perfect time to schedule a neuromusculoskeletal evaluation in our practice. Don't forget, taking precautions to stay safe and hydrated, you can make the most of your summer workouts and enjoy all the benefits they bring.

Summer Activity Choices
Summer Activity Choices

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