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Simplify Your Self-Care


Feeling crappy, pain and many other acute or especially nagging symptoms can make us feel like our health has spun out of control.

But regardless of the particulars of your situation, there’s one thing for sure—anxiety and disappointment about the state of your self-care are likely exacerbating your symptoms.

Like so often in modern life, stepping back tells us so often we really need to simplify both our perceptions and health-promoting life designs! So why not simplify your self-care? The number one reason to step in and take charge of your own wellness is that being in control will so often make you feel better. Anxiety compounds existing symptoms (such as trouble sleeping) and creates new ones by putting the focus on what’s not working. But it’s important to remember that you DO have control over many of the factors that can positively influence your health in a big way. Many people come to us looking for a “magic bullet,” one simple pill or procedure that will cure them overnight and permanently. Looking at social media, it's like wanting a neuropathy or health issue treatment formula in a bottle like a one-a-day supplement. Of course, there are many evidence-based aspects to our in office and home care treatments but there are also several significant components that are completely in your control as beneficial lifestyle changes. First, begin making small, gradual improvements in your diet. If you are not here already, start by weaning away from sodas and processed foods. Notice that you don’t have to go cold turkey. Switch to thinking of them as occasional treats, or better yet ask us about healthier replacements. Choose organic and local and more fresh produce and other foods whenever you can.

Simplify Your Self-Care
Simplify Your Self-Care

Seek out more natural and so often far less expensive and healthy alternatives to your usual meal routine. Second, get moving more! Many people shudder at the thought of doing “exercise,” which too often sounds like some kind of torture. Forget all that and just start moving more than usual—a walk around the block twice a day, dancing in your living room, or even vigorous housework or gardening are all candidates for healthy and fun exercise. Just be sure sure to check in with your personal physician first to find out what’s appropriate for you. The key is to think of “diet and exercise” not as unreachable fitness goals but as things you already incorporate into your everyday life. Just introducing a small shift in the WAY you do these things, then adding to them daily can turn a tiny pebble of intention turn into an avalanche of improved health and life satisfaction!

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