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But, I only Have A Little Neuropathy…


One of the things we see fairly frequently in the neuropathy treatment clinics is when patients present with the early onset of neuropathy symptoms.

This could be due to things such as chemotherapy, statin medications, or perhaps even “pre-diabetes” or metabolic syndrome.

Now there are cases of course where neuropathy is not long term.

This usually occurs in younger patients, who have been exposed to poisons or medications that eventually are stopped.

Unfortunately, for many adults neuropathy is a very different situation. For most of us saying I have a little neuropathy is just like saying I’m a little bit pregnant.

In order to have affective neuropathy treatment it is critical to identify correctable factors early on. This would include things such as obesity, certain medications, and lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking. Likewise, it is also very important to begin the most appropriate neuropathy treatment as soon as possible.

You see one of the things we know beyond the shadow of a doubt is that when patients begin neuropathy treatment early and seriously the long-term results are far better.

In the clinic we can find patients who treat their neuropathy early are less debilitated, and return to better function much more easily.

So what can you do? First of all, do not be a “minimizer”. When you experience symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness or burning, have them thoroughly checked out as soon as possible by a Physician well trained in real treatment, not just medication for symptom relief.

Next, help your doctors help you by fully revealing your family history, medication usage and other factors such as smoking, alcohol, and drug u history.

Lastly, learn the importance of good homecare systems. NeuropathyDR homecare kits can often help spark your progress as well as improve your neuropathy treatment results, often times dramatically.

If you are looking for real help, just open a Chat, right here on our site!

But, I only Have A Little Neuropathy…
But, I only Have A Little Neuropathy…

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